Studio K Yogawear & Ananda Soul Jewellery - join our give away and win!
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June marks Pride month and this past weekend in particular celebrated all colors of humanity with PRIDE. To us Pride month is an ongoing theme which is why we choose to continue the conversation around it.
There is nothing more in this world that calls for self-expression, compassion, acceptance and truth when it comes to being everything LGBTQAI+.
In a world that craves nothing more than connection, the expression of authenticity and vulnerability is a corner stone for love, trust building, intention and a felt-sense of comfort and safety.
Life is a fluid, colourful experience with infinite ways of expression. Often we wonder, who defined what is to be perceived as normative, as the norm? Of what is seen as beautiful, ugly, skinny, fat, black, white, feminine, masculine, poor, rich? There is no shame in the multitudes of expression that make our human experience human.
And yet, driven by fear and judgement this is exactly what we do - we shame others, we reject while simultaneously longing to be seen and met in depth to achieve a sense of belonging, to ensure we get to have a place in this world.
We are living in a time where values are a saving grace we cling to, hold on to and ask for. Respect, mutual understanding, trust, loyalty, honesty, acceptance, integrity and so many more.
As a brand that uses its platform as an ally and a supporting hand for the less privileged, the gentle outsiders, the repulsed, the struggling ones, for Mother Nature, for communities, after all for all of humanity, it is our greatest wish to see everyone equally take up their space in this world and to not shy away from their deepest and most truthful expression of self - and for everyone to be respected for that. We would love to see the multitude of expressions to be respected, accepted and included without having to even mention what makes them ’so special’.
We joined forces with one of our favorite sustainable jewellery labels Ananda Soul Creations to open up the conversation around what it means to stand in your own truth. What does living in integrity mean to you? What does it mean to live from a place of acceptance and respect? Where do you fail? Where do you succeed?
Together we co-created a photoshoot with the wonderful Michan that so beautifully represented both our brands in her unique way - and because of that it felt natural, organic and easy to go with.
It is time to have open and honest conversations with each other. To understand each other a little bit better. To co-create a society whose key values are compassion and consideration.
To initiate this we are asking our communities these important questions - what does it mean for you to stand in your truth? How do you live in integrity with your own values? What are your values?
Amongst all entries Ananda Soul and Studio K are giving away a gift of US$300 (US$150 Ananda Soul, US$150 Studio K).
Send us your answer here, sign up for our newsletters and follow us on Instagram at @anandasoulcreations and @studio.k.yogawear
The winner will be determined via lucky draw and notified via email and social media.
With every entry each participant will be joining the newsletter communities of both brands.
This give away is running until July 9th, 11.59 pm PST. The winner will be notified on July 10th. Good luck!