Article: #trashtag Studio Kolektif

#trashtag Studio Kolektif
Get your hands dirty and get a 20% discount code + chance to win a Studio Kolektif Goodie bag
We’ve seen it all over the globe, from Nepal to New York, and we love it. #trashtag forces us to get our hands dirty for the good of the planet. It is a way to take responsibility for our own living environments.
Bali is known as ‘the island of God’s’ and it is one of the most beautiful places on earth. We are beyond happy to call this land our home, but the amount of trash and single use plastic has exploded with the increasing tourism. Beautiful beaches are sadly filled with trash washed up from the ocean.
Our team went to Saba beach, a beautiful spot on the southeast coast. After hours of dedicated trash picking we could leave the area clean and pristine.
Get in on it!
We want to motivate you to go outdoors and help clear trash and litter in your area, to do your own #trashtag as a way to take care of your community and lead the way for future generations. As a reward for doing a trashtag tagged #trashtagSK we’ll give you 20% discount on your next purchase.
If you can't get your hands dirty you can still help spread the love, you can still join the instagram compitition to win a Studio Kolektif Goodie bag. Follow, like, tag a friend + share our trashtag post in your stories or feed.
Thank you for taking care of mama earth
Studio Kolektif